
The Canadian Podcast Awards

February 24th
6PM Pacific Junction Hotel

Intro to Bullet Journaling

1:00 pm
Room 183
Attend this Session

Bullet journaling, created by a New York-based designer named Ryder Carroll, is a new twist on journal writing. This concept combines the best of planning, journal writing, creating to-do lists, and tracking important events in your calendar.

The bullet journal is ideal not just for someone who loves using a planner, but also someone who wants the benefits of a journal, but doesn’t enjoy writing. Everything is done in a rapid logging method, reducing how much writing is actually done in the journal.

In this session, you will learn what bullet journaling is, how to effectively use it, and learn how to make the most out of the technique. Bullet journaling is a lifestyle change because it changes your behavior about writing, organizing and priorities. However, the changes for the better are worth it and much more.

Amy Lee is a management consultant with over 30 years of business experience in technology, finance, insurance, event planning, volunteerism, complementary health and entrepreneurship. She enjoys sharing knowledge with others by empowering people to discover and learn new things.

Key Take Aways

  • Discover what bullet journaling is all about
  • Basics of Starting Your Bullet Journal
  • Setting Up Your Bullet Journal
  • Rapid Logging
  • Tips and Tricks for Bullet Journaling
Beginner Digital Business & Entrepreneurialism Session


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