
The Canadian Podcast Awards

February 24th
6PM Pacific Junction Hotel

How to get your message out for your cause

10:00 am
Room 183
Attend this Session

I am going to talk all about how to get your message out for your cause.

Both Good and Bad methods.

I will use examples from Toronto/Ontario/Canada politicians, Toronto Police, Antifa, Alt-Right. Why Rob Ford won in 2010 and Donald Trump won in 2017.

This will be a discussion without blaming, every cause has their activists. Many of those activists do things very badly and others do things very good.

Please note that I am not for or against any organizations/groups that I will mention in this session. Come with an open mind.

How to get funding for your cause.

I will also mention what I have done and speak my experience with my won causes.

Key Take Aways

  • Things you need to get your cause's message out
  • What not to do/say because it will not get your message out
  • How to use social media
  • How to get funding
  • How I did things
Beginner Community, Activism & Culture Session

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