
The Canadian Podcast Awards

February 24th
6PM Pacific Junction Hotel

How to deal with issues and crises in the Social Media era

3:00 pm
Room 357
Attend this Panel

So this panel will include 2 or 3 other social media users who deal with issues and crises from goverment/public agencies as well as Miroslav Glavić.

My goal for this panel is to have a discussion about how to deal with crises in the Social Media era. How to defuse all those angry people stuck in the subway train or even in between train stations and situations like these.

Should you hire someone to do your Social Media or do you do it yourself?

Should you block, mute, deal with or just ignore the troll?

What is the difference between a troll and just an upset person?

Come to this session and discover which special secret guests will be on the panel. Sorry but I can’t bring Santa. He is on vacation.

Panel members subject to change due to last minute issues. I will try to bring you the ones listed on this page.

Key Take Aways

  • How to decide what to say on Social Media
  • How to decide what not to say on Social Media
  • How to defuse angry people on Social Media
  • How to deal with trolls
  • Should you hire someone to do your Social Media or do you do it yourself?
Beginner Social Media & Marketing Panel

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