
The Canadian Podcast Awards

February 24th
6PM Pacific Junction Hotel

Death and digital legacy: your content matters

2:00 pm
Room 361
Attend this Panel

It’s a certainty that anyone living any semblance of an online life will at some point have to face. More accurately, it’s a reality those around you–your family, friends and colleagues–will have to deal with your various online properties and content. This panel will walk participants through some true stories and lessons learned resulting from the loss of members of the podcast and blog communities, and we’ll explore ways to protect your online content and legacy.

Key Take Aways

  • Your content matters! (Whether for you at the exclusion of others, for others at the exclusion of you, or for both)
  • Ways to protect your content before your death
  • Steps that will need to be taken after your death
  • Tools you can use
  • Did we mention your content matters!
Intermediate Podcasting & Digital Media Panel

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